Businesses today might have to navigate a multitude of challenges in the competitive technology landscape. An approach that has gained significant traction and is proving to be a game-changer in application development is the adoption of prebuilt microservices. These modular, pre-designed components offer a host of benefits that can significantly enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of the development process.

Defining Prebuilt Microservices

A microservice can be defined as a miniature or small service that focuses on a specific capability in an application (possibly a large application with multiple features). For instance, a messaging app might have specific microservices for contact uploading contacts, sending a text or an image, referring the app, video calling, user management, and so on. 

Each microservice is self-contained consisting of its own codebase and the processes which are independent of other services. The biggest advantage of microservices is that the developers can easily modify one service without having to redeploy the entire application all over again.

Why Choose Prebuilt Microservices?

  • Rapid Development Cycles
    Time-to-market is a critical factor in the success of any business application. Prebuilt microservices provide a head start by offering pre-designed and pre-tested modules that developers can integrate seamlessly into their applications. This significantly reduces the time and effort required for coding, allowing businesses to roll out new features and updates at a much faster pace. With shorter development cycles, companies can respond more swiftly to market demands and gain a competitive edge. For instance, AWS microservices aids in reducing the go-to-market time and speeding up the development cycle at the same time.
  • Cost-Efficiency
    Traditional application development often involves building every component from scratch, leading to higher development costs. Prebuilt microservices offer a cost-effective alternative by eliminating redundant development efforts. Businesses can leverage existing modules, cutting down on both development time and expenses. Moreover, since these microservices are typically designed to be reusable, the initial investment pays off over time as they can be integrated in various projects, further optimizing costs.
  • Scalability
    In a dynamic business environment, the ability to scale applications quickly in response to changing demands is crucial. Prebuilt microservices are inherently scalable, allowing businesses to adapt to varying workloads without extensive redevelopment. Whether the application needs to handle a sudden increase in user traffic or additional functionalities, prebuilt microservices enable a more agile response, ensuring that the business can scale seamlessly without compromising performance.
  • Flexibility and Customization
    While prebuilt microservices provide a standardized and efficient foundation, they also allow for flexibility and customization. Developers can tailor these modular components to suit the specific needs of the application. This balance between standardization and customization empowers businesses to create unique and innovative solutions while benefiting from the reliability and efficiency of prebuilt microservices.
  • Reduced Development Risks
    Building complex applications from scratch can be risky, as unforeseen challenges may arise during the development process. Prebuilt microservices mitigate these risks by offering pre-tested and proven solutions. Since these microservices have often been used in various projects across different industries, their reliability is established. This reduces the likelihood of critical issues surfacing during development, ensuring a smoother and more predictable development process.
  • Easier Maintenance and Updates
    Maintaining and updating monolithic applications can be a daunting task, often requiring significant downtime and resources. Prebuilt microservices simplify the maintenance process, as updates or modifications can be applied to individual modules without affecting the entire application. This modular approach streamlines troubleshooting, debugging, and the introduction of new features. Businesses can keep their applications up-to-date and responsive without the need for extensive system-wide overhauls.
  • Interoperability
    Modern applications often need to integrate with various third-party services and technologies. Prebuilt microservices are designed with interoperability in mind, ensuring seamless integration with other systems. This facilitates a more comprehensive and connected technology ecosystem for businesses. Whether it’s integrating with cloud services, databases, or external APIs, prebuilt microservices make interoperability a more manageable and less time-consuming aspect of application development.
  • Focus on Core Competencies
    By leveraging prebuilt microservices, businesses can shift their focus from routine and time-consuming coding tasks to their core competencies. Development teams can concentrate on building unique features and functionalities that set their applications apart in the market. This not only enhances the overall quality of the application but also allows organizations to allocate resources more efficiently, fostering innovation and differentiation.

Accelerating App Development: ARC by SourceFuse

App development can become a time-consuming process if having multiple aspects to consider, especially if the foundational building blocks are being replicated each time. In contrast, ARC by SourceFuse comprises prebuilt microservices designed to speed up the time-to-market for enterprise applications. Its objective is to eradicate redundant tasks and adhere to the DRY (Don’t Repeat Yourself) principle.

ARC leverages a catalog of prebuilt backend microservices, micro-frontends, and infrastructure as code (IaC) modules that can be deployed on private and public clouds. Typically, large enterprises encounter multiple challenges in cloud-native app development or platform creation during digital transformation initiatives or when launching new products. ARC mitigates the need for repetitive troubleshooting on these challenges, allowing enterprises to concentrate on addressing the core problem statement.


Avg. Reduction in Deployment Time with ARC

By leveraging an extensive catalog of reusable and prebuilt microservices ARC by SourceFuse supports:

The Way Forward

In the era of digital transformation, businesses need agile, scalable, and cost-effective solutions for application development. Prebuilt microservices have emerged as a valuable asset, offering multiple benefits that align with the demands of modern software development. From reducing development time and costs to providing scalability, flexibility, and ease of maintenance, the advantages of prebuilt microservices are undeniable. In an increasingly competitive industry, cloud services such as AWS Cloud consulting can play a pivotal role in not just getting you the right cloud migration and modernization solutions but also help select the best suited option for your business.  

As businesses continue to embrace these modular components, they position themselves to thrive in the competitive landscape by delivering innovative, high-quality applications with greater speed and efficiency.

Get ready to reduce go-to-market time significantly!