Jax Tech: Ecommerce and Fulfillment Tech

Key Highlights

It’s time to get back together and learn, meet, and have fun with fellow technologists and innovators!

Come join our last event of 2022 as we wrap up the year with a deep dive into the technology behind e-commerce, fulfillment, and how the massive volume of holiday products all get shipped out in time at unprecedented rates. What type of technology and high scale software does it take to get all these products to the people that bought them?

Get to hear perspectives and technologies from several high-volume businesses in the Jax area that help make this magic happen. Learn about the cloud technologies and operational systems they use and see how they might apply to your own business.

Featured Speakers:

Picture of Matt Stueck
Matt Stueck


RFSmart provides warehouse and inventory management software for high volume enterprise commerce. Learn what it takes to track millions of items in real time and to go from an order to a shipping label on a product in less than 5 seconds. Hear about the cloud and serverless technology used to make all of this possible. Oh, and lets not forget about how all those warehouse robots are managed too!

Picture of Travis Mariea
Travis Mariea

CEO, Flxpoint

The new world of connected commerce expands well outside the walls of a single warehouse, and Flxpoint connects retailers, brands, and distributors to make all of these interconnected businesses and marketplaces work. What technology does it take to intelligently track and manage millions of both real and virtual inventory, fulfill products across a multitude of channels in real time, and power the marketplace-driven world of the new ecommerce landscape? What are the tools and strategies that modern merchants need to thrive in today’s landscape?

Picture of Bryan Croft
Bryan Croft

CEO, HC Brands

HC Brands is a manufacturer of personalized products at massive scale. Learn about the impressive technology and operations that drive the ability to produce and ship a personalized custom product in a single day after receiving an order from multiple locations around the US. It may sound easy, but as one of the highest volume creators of personalized customized products there is definitely some tech magic at work behind the scenes across software, hardware, and operations.


As always, a HUGE thank you to our sponsors that make these events possible: